Archive for April 28th, 2008

The Real Housewives of New York City Part Deux (and then some)

Omigod, I have a serious problem. I think I must have watched each episode from the season at least twice. Yeah, see? Serious addict. Remember when I was all, “Ramona rocks. I wish I had her personality and gumption?!?!?” Well, after watching and re-watching the “Real Housewives of New York City Reunion,” I came to the conclusion that Ramona may in fact be on drugs.

What helped me the most in reaching this conclusion is when host/big shot Bravo exec Andy Cohen read a question from a viewer at home. Something along the lines of “Ramona, your eyes always look crazy & you act like a maniac! Are you on something?” In true Ramona fashion, she retorted something along these lines, “No, I’ve always just had high energy levels. I’m high on life,” and yadda yadda yadda. She couldn’t keep still in her chair, there was constant twitching, and her wide bug eyes looked like they were on the verge of popping out. Wait… wait. I had to take two steps back, two New York City steps back, that is, thank you very much. Had I been admiring the crazy antics of a drug addict? Ohhh nooo! Not good Korlina, not good!

As I watched the rest of the episode (twice! what?) I tried very hard to hate (strongly dislike) Ramona, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t deny that I still thoroughly enjoyed her spunk and ability to throw in an unhealthy dose of shock value. I hope her hyper, take no shit, say whatever is on her mind personality isn’t a result of drugs. If she is or isn’t on drugs, perhaps we viewers will never know. Either way, it’s official. I’m hooked on the show & season II needs to get here! Soon!

This weekend J and I went to the Grove. We saw “Forbidden Kingdom,” at the theaters there. I was pleasantly surprised. I highly recommend this movie not only for the kickass fight scenes, but also for the storyline. I left the theater in tears, but the good kind.

On Sunday morning J and I played racket ball. Yeah, I knew you guys wanted to hear all about my weekend! I knew you wanted every last detail. Yeah right! All I will say about the racket ball is that I am improving immensely! J was proud. The first round I came close to beating him. However, I lost all three rounds just the same. I swear that my backhand is truly coming around though!

1 comment April 28, 2008






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